
Measurement of power converters waveforms

Power converters are widely used in solar energy production, in electrical vehicles or in many other applications for the conversion of a DC power from the battery into a 1- or 3-phase AC power. New semiconductors-based switching components operate at a few kV and commute hundreds of A in a less than a µS. They are the hearts of the latest generation of mid to high power inverters. The efficiency of the power inverters is mainly affected by switching losses. It generates heat to be evacuated and limits the possibilities of making very performant and compact power converters.

The optimisation of the energy transferred requires a precise identification of these losses with synchronous measurements of fast transients at different voltage potentials.

The engineers need precise floating voltage measurement heads, connected through optical fiber for a multi-kV insulation, with a large bandwidth, a good rejection of the common mode noise, and with reasonably small dimensions. It shall be able to perform simultaneous synchronous real time measurements on multiple parallel channels.

The measurement probe and optical transmitter shall be well immune to external electromagnetic field noises.

Montena MOL25T and MOL500T are fibre optic analogue transmission system with small, shielded remote access modules ideally suited for measurement of floating voltage fast transients in disturbed electromagnetic environment.

The shielded, battery-operated remote module converts the measured electric signals into an analog optical signal and sends it to the optical receiver module through a standard single mode fibre optic cable.

The optical receiver converts back the received optical signal into electric signal.

Their DC to 25MHz or DC to 500MHz bandwidths allow the precise measurement of very fast transients.

The modules are battery powered and therefore totally isolated from the measurement equipment.

The 50 ohm/1M ohm inputs of the optical transmitter module can interface with almost all kinds of voltage or current probes.

Both MOL25T and MOL500T are available with BNC or SMA connectors, with selectable 1:1, 10:1 or 100:1 attenuations.

Montena proposes a full range of measurement equipment and software especially designed for the measurement of fast transients in harsh electromagnetic environment.

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