
Real-time measurement of remote locations

Synchronous measurements of transients signals from remote sources can be carried out using a real-time optical transmission system with very low jitter.

Montena MOL25T and MOL500T are fibre optic analogue transmission systems with small, shielded remote modules, ideally suited to the real-time measurement of DC and high-frequency signals at measurement points up to several hundred metres apart.

The shielded remote module converts the measured electric signals into an optical signal and sends it to the optical receiver module through a standard single mode fibre optic cable. The optical receiver converts back the received optical signal into electric signal.

The DC to 25MHz or DC to 500MHz bandwidths enables accurate measurement of very fast transients.

The remote modules are rechargeable battery powered what enables full galvanic separation between the measurement point and the measurement equipment.

The optical transmission can be up to 1 km.

The strong shielding ensures a clean measurement even in case of strong electromagnetic disturbances.

The 50 ohm / 1 megohm input of the optical transmitter (MOL500T) can interface with almost all kind of voltage or current probes.

The MOL25T and MOL500T are available with BNC or SMA connectors, with selectable 1:1, 10:1 or 100:1 attenuation.

Montena proposes a full range of measurement equipment and software applications especially designed for the measurement of electromagnetic pulses, as for instance the NEMP.

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