MIL-STD-461 CS115 CS116 CS106 generators
Montena develops and manufactures transient generators for conducted susceptibility tests according to the MIL-STD-461 CS115, CS116 and CS106 test methods. Each system comprises its own control software application, that has been carefully designed to facilitate operation, reduce the risk of errors and optimize test time.
CS116 generator
The CS116 requirement defines damped sine transients to be coupled onto the equipment under test at several frequencies in the range 10 kHz to 100 MHz to simulate events such as NEMP and lightning.
Montena POG-CS116 generator has a single signal output for all test frequencies. This allows the execution of all test frequencies without re-cabling or module exchange. The calibration phase is performed automatically in about a minute thanks to a dedicated control software. The generator is proposed with up to 17 test frequencies, to enable a better excitation of the resonances of the EUT.
The POG-CS116 generator can host additional pulse modules for CS106 and CS115 pulse delivery beside the built-in CS116 modules. The CS115 and CS116 pulse modules are all connected to the same generator output.
CS115 generator
CS115 uses a fast trapezoidal pulse to excite natural resonances associated with cables. The basic concern is to protect equipment from fast rise and fall time transients that may be present due to platform switching operations and external transient environments such as lightning and electromagnetic pulses.
CS106 generator
CS106 is applicable to submarine and surface ship equipment and subsystem AC and DC input power leads. The generator delivers a transient pulse in the microsecond range, with repetition up to 15 pulses per second.
See also Montena MIL-STD-461 CS1xx turnkey test systems.