Pulsers for new industrial processes

Innovative improvements in food production and processing are based on exposures to very fast electric field pulses, for example to accelerate germination, extract proteins or enhance cell multiplication. These new processes should help to feed the world's growing population while avoiding global warming, reducing resource wastage and producing more locally.

Many medical research programs are exploring the use of electroporation to improve treatments. These pulsed electric field techniques can be used to ameliorate existing cancer treatment techniques (by reducing side-effects).

Nanosecond pulsed corona is an efficient technique to generate cold plasmas which can be used, for example, for gas depollution and decontamination processes, such as the improving indoor air quality, removing low-level formaldehyde or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

Montena fast repetitive nanosecond pulse generators are ideally suited to reversible electroporation process, efficient production of cold plasma, or any other application requiring very fast electric pulses.

Industrial Products

Repetitive nanosecond pulsers mw-100

Search in Industrial


Nanosecond pulsed electric fields for stimulation of cells mw-100

Nanosecond pulsed electric fields for stimulation of cells

Plasma activated water mw-100

Plasma activated water

Cold Plasma for air purification mw-100

Cold Plasma for air purification

Nanosecond pulsed electric fields in medical applications mw-100

Nanosecond pulsed electric fields in medical applications